Pelvic Floor & Core Workshop

Do you pee a little during your workouts? Are you terrified of the jump rope? Do you have to make sure you're wearing black leggings when you go for a run? Maybe things are just NOT how they used to be, and you don't know where to start. I see you. And I've got something for you.

Join me for this 1-hour workshop where will cover all the basics to get you moving with a little less fear.

Not in shape? That’s cool. Never “worked out” a day in your life? That’s cool too. I’ll walk you through each simple move in detail and break it down.

Pelvic Floor & Core Workshop
One time

✓ The pelvic floor: what the heck is it?
✓ The core: why it's important.
✓ What to do about leaking!
✓ How to test if you really have diastasis.
✓ How to decrease back pain after baby.

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